Minggu, 03 April 2016

How to Organize a Minimalist Home

Our homes not only provide for our basic need of shelter, but also give us comfort, security and stability. An organized and beautifully arranged space fosters a sense of well-being and contentment. It is especially important for those who have a minimalist home to organize and carefully consider the beauty and usefulness of everything they bring in to their environment in order to eliminate excess and clutter.1. Open up the Space. Make the most of existing space in the living areas by installing mirrors to open the space and make it appear larger. Study each  room’s layout to see how each section can serve dual purposes, such as a seating area that can double as sleeping space for guests. Use transparent partitions if it is necessary to divide larger spaces so that light can still filter into both sections of the room.

2. Paint your rooms. Choose interior colors that are brighter and lighter to make a room feel larger. Also select accent colors that coordinate well with the overall color scheme to reduce the impression of a cluttered untidy space. Pay attention to floor coverings and avoid styles that have busy patterns or textures and colors that are hard to keep clean.

3. Choose furniture carefully. Whether you purchase new furniture or revitalize hand-me downs and thrift-store treasures, use pieces that are in proportion to the size of the room. You can stick to one theme throughout the home such as classic, modern, or cottage chic — or you can be eclectic mixing and matching styles.  Just be sure that you do not fill your minimalist space with too much furniture. Keep accessories such as pillows, vases and wall decorations to a minimum.

4. Don’t underestimate the impact of lighting. White light gives your home a more formal atmosphere and works well with decor that has a modern flair. Yellow light creates a warm and nostalgic ambiance that works well with classic or cottage styles. Rooms that are well-lit appear larger and more open. Proper lighting increases the appeal of your minimalist home.

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